What is the difference between azure SQL and on premises SQL server.

Ever wondered about the difference between SQL and Azure SQL? These are both tools for storing and managing data, but they have their own special features. Please find below the differences below.

AspectAzure SQL ServerOn-Premises SQL Server
Deployment LocationIts cloud-basedIt’s deployed on your organization’s servers.
Infrastructure ManagementIt’s managed by Microsoft.It’s managed by your organization.
ScalabilityEasily scalableScalability limited by hardware.
Cost ModelSubscription-basedUpfront and ongoing costs
Security and ComplianceBuilt-in security featuresFull control over security
Accessibility and Remote AccessAccessible from anywhereAccessible within your network
Data Backup and Disaster RecoveryAutomated backups, DR optionsCustomized backup and DR solutions

The choice between these options depends on your organization’s needs, resources, and preferences.

let’s consider two scenarios to illustrate where you might use Azure SQL and where you might use On-Premises SQL Server:

Scenario 1: Azure SQL

Suppose you’re a startup company that wants to launch a web application to offer online shopping services. You expect the user base to grow rapidly, and you want to ensure your application is highly available, scalable, and easy to manage. In this case, using Azure SQL could be beneficial.

You can deploy your database on cloud. This cloud-based option offers automatic scalability and built-in high availability features. As your user base grows, It can dynamically adjust resources to handle increased demand. It also provides automated backups and security features, allowing you to focus on developing your application without worrying about managing the underlying infrastructure.

Scenario 2: On-Premises SQL Server

Now, consider a large financial institution that deals with sensitive customer data and must adhere to strict regulatory requirements. The organization has a dedicated IT team and well-established data center infrastructure. They need full control over their database environment and have a preference for managing everything in-house.

In this case, the organization might opt for an On-Premises SQL Server deployment. This allows them to maintain complete control over their database environment, data security, and compliance. Their existing IT team can manage and customize the database infrastructure to meet their specific requirements, while keeping sensitive data within their own premises.

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